With the current move from on-premise solutions to the cloud, the question comes up how long these traditional solutions will be supported. When talking about the Microsoft Dynamics ERP and CRM solutions, Microsoft states “that the on-premise versions will be fully supported for the time being”. And that is of course a great message for the many tens of thousands of customers all over the world using these solutions.
It’s not rocket science, however, that sooner or later even that support will be reduced. And eventually will be stopped altogether.
I’ve asked my network on LinkedIn about their opinions. Should Microsoft come up with a specific end-of-support date for her on-premise Dynamics solutions. Just like SAP did for her ERP systems that are not using S/4HANA. And like Microsoft did recently for Windows 95 and Windows 98.
The poll attracted over 3.700 views. And a clear majority of the 72 voters responded approvingly, saying ‘ofcourse, transparency is key!’
These are the detailed results of that poll, that was open for 14 days: