Here’s a suggested workshop agenda for a change session with your complete team. Of course we can adjust the agenda to your specific wishes.
Opening, business goals, introduction and logistics
Part I - This is what’s going on today in the international markets
- What is happening in the markets, at the competition and in the buying behavior?
- What are the strategic moves that Microsoft is making?
- What are other D365 partners all over Europe doing?
- What’s happening at the non-Microsoft competition?
- And what is it that modern customers are looking for?
Part II – This is how you secure your customer base!
- What is the position of your Dynamics on-premise customer bases?
- What are the efforts we can expect from Microsoft regarding this customer base?
- This is how the competition tries to seduce your customers to switch
- Scenario’s to secure your customer base and guide them into the D365 future
- This is what will happen if you don’t move (fast enough)
Part III – How do you move from a single category product to a platform approach?
Traditionally, Dynamics partners are focused on selling single, stand-alone product. Be it CRM. Or be it ERP. Modern prospects however, tend to prefer a platform approach over point solutions. We will discuss and exercise how to move from pitching products to pitching platforms. And how to effectively sell the Microsoft brand, organisation, innovation and continuity.
Part IV - Selling products or selling successful business transformation?
Way too often, migrating to or implementing new solutions means no more than maintaining legacy processes and ‘old thinking’ in a new system. However, your customers simply cannot allow to do this anymore. Today’s mantra is “change or disappear” and that is valid for both your prospects and customers. But also for you! Are you willing to win more deals by helping them to transform? If so - do you have the right vision, services portfolio and
team mindset to help them out?
Wrap-up, conclusions, call to actions
What do other D365 partners say about this training
- “This workshop gave me a lot of inspiration and new insights in modern marketing and effective sales techniques.”
- “This workshop gave me a real push to improve our cloud offering!”
- “This workshop delivered by Guus gave us insights and inspiration to start changing our business model asap!”
- “I’ve learned today that effective upgrades should not just have a focus on technology. Since the key to success is in the processes and people domains!”
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